Objective: The PITCH portion of the program will test how accurately a competitor can throw strikes to a designated "Strike Zone" target from a designated distance (45 feet for the baseball division). Any method of overhand pitching or throwing is accepted. An attempt hitting ANY portion of the target will be deemed a strike.


  • Each competitor receives six (6) attempts to hit the designated "Strike Zone".
  • Competitors in the baseball division pitch from 45 feet away.
  • All participants in the baseball division compete with a standard baseball.
  • The "Strike Zone" target (17" x 30" banner) reflects a standard MLB strike zone.
  • It is recommended that the "Strike Zone" target be adhered to a backstop/fence or net with the provided Cable Ties. The bottom of the "Strike Zone" target should measure 20 inches from the ground for all competitors.
  • The competitor must start from the pitching rubber or chalk line and deliver each ball to the "Strike Zone" target. Treat the rubber/chalk line just as you would a pitching rubber in a real game.
  • Each attempt hitting ANY portion of the "Strike Zone" target is worth 75 points.